Authors Rights Notice

Journal Authors' Rights After Acceptance

As a leader in scholarly publishing in Latin America, the Syllaba Press International Inc. has embraced its obligation to disseminate scholarship of the highest standard, to advance scholarly conversation within and across traditional disciplines, and to help define new areas of knowledge and intellectual endeavor. When you publish an article in a journal of the Syllaba Press International Inc., you reap the benefit of a professional publishing house with over a fifteen years of commitment to the scholarly enterprise. With our publishing expertise in both traditional and emerging channels of communication, we ensure the widespread distribution of your article throughout the world and to the broadest audience. In addition, we support and encourage our authors' own efforts to promote and disseminate their works.

The FAQ below answers the questions we hear most often from our authors about their rights after acceptance of their articles. If you have a question that is not addressed in this FAQ, please write to the attention of the Suite 722-4586, 1900 N. W. 97th Avenue, Doral, Florida 33172, USA. Or you may contact via email address: <> or (see Rights & Permissions for more info).

Frequently Asked Questions

» Can I post a copy of my paper on the Internet?
» Can I post the published version of my paper?
» When can I post my paper?
» Can I submit my paper to an online pre-print or working paper archive?
» Can I include my published paper in an institutional repository?
» Are there any fees attached to posting my paper online?
» Can I republish my paper in another print publication?
» Can I use my paper for teaching purposes in my classes?
» Can another author republish my article or a portion thereof without permission?

Can I post a copy of my paper on the Internet?

In general, you may post a copy of your paper on your personal or institutional web server, provided that the server is non-commercial and that appropriate credit is given to the journal, including the exact copyright notice as printed in the journal. The form of the copyright notice is: © 2xxx by [name of copyright holder]. For pre-publication versions of your paper (i.e., pre-prints), appropriate credit means a statement prominently displayed on the paper itself, specifying the paper's status, date, and journal name. (For example: "Submitted (or Accepted) for publication to (by) Journal Name on MM/DD/YYYY.") A link to the journal's home page or the journal article should also be included. Please consult the Permissions Department should you have a question about appropriate credit.

Can I post the published version of my paper?

We encourage you to use or refer to the final, definitive version of your paper whenever possible. You have the choice of posting the PDF/Aversion of your paper or posting the citation, abstract (if present), and a link to the HTML version hosted on the Syllaba Press International Inc. server. You may not, however, post proofs of your paper.

When can I post my paper?

No conditions on posting a paper intended for submission (but not yet submitted) to one of our journals, except to note that posting a paper online may, in some cases, constitute prior publication - for example, posting to a commercial venue and/or to a venue with a formal review and approval process. Please consult the journal's editor if you have questions about whether or not a particular use constitutes prior publication.

Many journals use an anonymous (blind) peer review system. Please be aware that posting a paper intended for submission or submitted to such a journal may compromise the confidentiality of the refereeing process and delay or prevent a decision based on the paper's merits. The refereeing process is described in the contributor guidelines for each journal, or consult the journal's editor.

Typically, you may post a paper accepted for publication at any time prior to publication, provided that the conditions described in this FAQ have been met. Some journals, however, do not allow pre-publication versions to be posted or impose additional restrictions.

We encourage you to use or refer to the final, published version of your paper as soon as it is available (remember that articles published by the Syllaba Press International Inc. are often made available online before the print edition is released).

Please note, however, that some journals may require an embargo period be observed before you may post the published version of your paper.

Can I submit my paper to an online pre-print or working paper archive?

To avoid citation confusion, we encourage you to post your paper online only in its final, published version. If you choose to submit a pre-publication version of your paper to a non-commercial, discipline-specific pre-print or working paper archive, however, we require that appropriate credit is given to the journal as described above and ask you to remove the working paper from the archive after your paper is published or replace it with the published version.

Please also note the comments regarding prior publication and anonymous peer review in the previous section of this FAQ.

Can I include my published paper in an official institutional repository?

You may place your published paper in a non-commercial data repository maintained by an institution of which you are a member, provided that all relevant conditions described in this FAQ and on the journal's home page are met. Your paper may be made publicly available after the appropriate embargo period has been observed. You are responsible for informing the manager of the institutional repository of the embargo period that must be observed and the author and/or publisher must seek written permission from Syllaba Press International Inc.

Are there any fees attached to posting my paper online?

There are no fees attached to posting your paper according to the terms described in this FAQ and on the journal's home page, except that a modest fee may be charged if we supply you with the PDF/A of your published paper (see Order Reprints for more info).

Can I republish my paper in another print publication?

You have the non-exclusive right of republication of your paper, in whole or in part, in any book for which you are an author or an editor, provided that you give credit to the journal. The credit should include the exact copyright notice as printed in the journal, as described earlier in this FAQ. There is no fee for such use.

Can I use my paper for teaching purposes in my classes?

You may use your paper for teaching purposes in your classes, including making multiple copies for each student, either individually or as part of a printed course pack, provided such course pack will be used solely for classes you teach. You do not need to seek permission for such use and no fee will be charged.

Can another author republish my article or a portion there of without permission?

Your article or portions of your article may be used by other authors in their publications. Small portions may be reprinted without permission from the Syllaba Press International Inc., provided such use falls within the Syllaba Press International Inc. guidelines for fair use of copyrighted material. For all other uses, the author and/or publisher must seek permission from the Syllaba Press International Inc.


eISSN 2011-0626, eISP 0840.2912.4861

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