Manuscript Preparation

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The manuscript should be ordered as follows:

1. Abstract: 200-250 word single paragraph in Spanish, Portuguese or English Languages and keywords 4-6.
2. Text (with title, author(s), email and institutional affiliation or address), should not exceed 20 pages in length (10.000 words).
3. Acknowledgments.
4. Bibliographic References.
5. Tables (with captions).
6. Figures (separate page to contain figure captions).

Download: Formatting Guideline

All manuscripts are to be double-spaced, with a 1-inch margin on all sides of the page, on one side of good quality 8½-x-11 inch paper. Each page should be numbered in the upper right corner. Two spaces should follow the period at the end of a sentence. Underlining should be used only where the material is to be set in italics, and then only if an italics font is not available. End notes are not encouraged, but can be inserted between the text and acknowledgments if required. Footnotes and appendices are to be avoided. If material is important enough to be included, it should be incorporated into the text.

Upon acceptance for publication, authors are to submit the final version of the paper via email to <>or using ePublishers Content™ - Academic Editorial Assistant for directly Original Research Articles, Research Progress Articles, Field Reports, Articles Reviews, Books Reviews and Obituaries. Contribution should not exceed 20 pages in length (10.000 words). We use Microsoft Word for Windows as our primary word-processing software, but our IBM-compatible equipment can read all popular word processing files. Please do not submit disks in lieu of the required original manuscript and two copies.

Headings: Primary heads should be flush left and typed in all capital letters. Secondary heads should be flush left, with initial capital letters on all significant words, and set in italics. Tertiary heads should be part of the paragraph, indented, with initial capital letters on all significant words, and italicized.

Metric System: All measurements must be in metric units. Specific measurements should be abbreviated without periods (6 km). If used to begin a sentence, or in general terms, measurements are written out. Some metric measurements, such as hectares and kilometers, remain obscure to many readers. If English equivalents (e.g., acres and miles) seem required for clarity, they should be indicated parenthetically following their appearance as metric measures.

Numbers and Dates: Numbers from one to twenty are spelled out in the text. Numbers from 21 upwards are written as numerals except for numbers used in an approximate sense, or when beginning a sentence. Ordinal numbers (first, second, etc.) are always spelled out. These rules are modified to impose consistency in sentences where their strict application would lead to a mixture of forms. Dates should be expressed in the following forms: 1980s, twentieth century, 1980-1990, January 13,1990. Mathematical notations and radiocarbon dates are to be given according to the style used by American Antiquity, except that B.P. dates will be allowed as substitutes for B.C. dates so long as the conversion of 1950 years is used. Lab numbers must always accompany radiocarbon dates and any corrections made to the date(s) reported by the laboratory must be listed in addition to (not instead of) the reported date(s). Old Style (Julian) dates must be accompanied by New Style (Gregorian) equivalents.

Quotations: Quotations of five lines or more should usually beset off from the text and indented. Shorter quotations should not be setoff. Authors are responsible for accuracy, correct attribution, and legal permissions to publish any material submitted. In other matters concerning quotations, the uses of italics, capitalization, hyphenation, abbreviations, ellipses, and accents, refer to The Chicago Manual of Style.

Special Usages: The International Journal of South American Archaeology - IJSA (eISSN 2011-0626), (eISP 0840-2912-4861) will adopt the practice of referring to individuals of tribal, ethnic, or linguistic groups by the normal English or Spanish plural (e.g., "six Penobscots"). When used as adjectives or when referring to the proper names of such entities, they may remain in singular form. Foreign words are italicized, but foreign words that have come into common usage in Spanish or English (e.g., insitu) are not. Foreign place names are not italicized. Insert a comma before the "and" in a series of three or more.

Citations in Text: Citations must appear parenthetically, as has be come the custom in anthropological literature. If two or more citation dates appear together for one author, separate them in calendrical order with commas. If two or more references by the same author(s) are listed with the same year, use a, b, c, etc. to distinguish them. If three or more authors are listed, use "et al." following the first author's name. If two or more citations appear within one set of parentheses, separate them with semicolons, listing authors alphabetically first, and chronologically, second: (Able 1984:23; Baker 1983, 1985; Clinton 1996).Use a colon to separate date of publication from additional information, such as pages, figures, or tables specified. Provide the date of completion for an unpublished manuscript, rather than using "n.d." Provide the date of submission for a manuscript that is in press. Works submitted but not accepted should be treated as unpublished manuscripts. Personal communications should be cited as such, with a date if possible. However, they are not listed in the reference section.

Tables: A short descriptive title or heading should be placed above each table. Any explanatory material essential to the understanding of the table should be incorporated into the text or placed as footnotes in the table, using superscripts a, b, c, etc. All tables must be mentioned in the text and numbered sequentially in the order cited in the text (see Guidelines for Artwok for more info).

Figures: All illustrative material will be designated figures and numbered consecutively. All figures must be mentioned in the text. Figure numbers and captions must be submitted on separate sheets to allow typesetting. Both photographs and line drawings must be of high quality. Freehand or typewritten lettering is not acceptable. Authors are responsible for supplying both photographs and line drawings at sizes that will allow them to be printed with a caption in an area no larger than 6 x 8 inches. Photographs must be submitted with a glossy finish. Line drawings should be reduced to the required format by photographic, photo static, or other high-quality means. Authors not having access to reducing equipment may submit original drawings for reduction by special arrangement with the editor. The figure number should be printed lightly, in pencil, on the back of each illustration. Notations should be made in the left hand margin of the text as to the preferred location of figures (see Guidelines for Artwok for more info).

Bibliographics References: Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references cited. All references cited in the text (except for personal communications) must be included in the list, and all references in the list must be cited in the text. Citations should be presented at the end of the manuscript in "as and when they appear in the text" order (Vancouver System). Author names are inverted: surname first followed by initials. All authors should be quoted up to a maximum of six followed by et al. Use initials for first and middle names. Title of medical periodicals should he abbreviated according to Index  Medicus. When referring to authors, use last name and initials. When referring to publishers, do not include words such as "Company, Inc., Publishers. "For book references, list the name of the publishing company and the place of publication. If the city of publication is not well known, include the state. Use initial capital letters on all significant words in a title. Capitalization of foreign titles follows the custom of the language of the citation. Edition of the book within parenthesis Fore. g.: (3 Ed.) The volume number and first and last page numbers for each reference should be provided. Papers in press may be simply referred to in the text. Authors must obtain permission from the individual concerned to quote his or her unpublished work.

1. Book with single author
Tencate AR. Oral histology: Development, Structure and Function. (5thed.). Mosby-Year Rook Inc., Missouri, 1996.

2. Book with multiple authors
Cawson RA, Binnie WH, Speight PM, Barrett AW, Wright JM. Lucas' Pathology of Tumours of the Oral Tissues. (5th ed.). Churchill Livingstone, London, 1998.

3. Edited book (editor as author)
Jones JH and Mason DK (Eds.). Oral Manifestations of systemic disease, WB Saunders Company Ltd. London, 1980.

4. Book: article or chapter in an edited book
Scully C and Lehner T. Disorders of Immunity. In Jones JH & Mason DK (Eds.). Oral Manifestations of Systemic Disease, WB Saunders Company Ltd. London, pages: 102-174, 1980.

5. Book or article: with no author or editor named
Merriam-Webster's collegiate dictionary. (l0th ed.). Merriam Webster, Springtield, MA, 1993.

6. Translated book
Lévi-Strauss C. Totemism. Translated by R. Needham. Beacon Press, Boston, 1963.

7. Reprinted book
Willoughby CC. Antiquities of the New England Indians. Reprinted. AMS Press, New York. Originally published 1935, Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Cambridge, MA, 1973.

8. Dissertation or thesis
Wade WG. The effects of local antimicrobial and mechanical therapy on the sub gingival microflora in chronic periodontitis, PhD Thesis, University of Wales, 1969.

9. Editorials or unpublished letters
Oliver R. Misunderstanding of MIRI, (Letter to the editor). Oral Oncol 1998; 34,75.

10. Journal Article: single author
Waldron. Fibro-osseous lesions of the jaws. J Oral Maxillo fac Surg 1993; 51:828-835.

11. Journal Article: more than one author
Bowden JR, Scully C, Eveson JW, Flint S, Herman R, Janus SK. Multiple myeloma and bullous  lichenoid lesions: an unusual association. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol 1990;70: 587-589.

12. Paper presented at a meeting
Boisvert RA. Three New Paleoindian Sites in New Hampshire. Paper presented at the 37th Northeastern Anthropological Association Meetings, Montebello, Quebec, 1997.

13. Manuscript for book or journal in press (only if MS has been accepted for publication)
Author, IM. Title of Article. Northeast Anthropology, 1998. In Press.

Do not use n.d. unless absolutely necessary. If manuscript is in the author's possession, state "MS in the author's possession."

14. Book Reviews
Benison C. Review of "Native People of Southern New England: 1500-1650"by K.J. Bragdon. Northeast Anthropology 53:89-90, 1997.

Accepted Manuscripts

Proofs. Proofs will be sent to authors for correction of typographical and editorial errors. The letter do not include copy editing changes made in the manuscript to bring it into conformity with the specific style requirements of the International Journal of South American Archaeology - IJSA (eISSN 2011-0626), (eISP 0840-2912-4861) No changes or additions in content may be made. Corrected proofs must generally be returned to the editor within one week of receipt.

Reprints. Most leaves count as two pages, and the number of pages per article will be multiplied times the number of reprints requested in calculating charges. An opportunity to order reprints is provided when page proofs are returned (see Order Reprints for more info).


eISSN 2011-0626, eISP 0840.2912.4861

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